Intercambios with Hermana Zimmerman, Josie & Post |
Well, I forgot to tell you last week that Hermana Post (my new companion) is from Safford, Arizona! She only has a month on her mission, and is still in her training period. We get along great and have lots of fun, but we work very hard as well.
Spiritual experience: We were with Mayra and Anjomil last week, and she shared with us how we helped her decide to really ask God, if she should get baptized and she said she felt a lot of peace and just knew that she needed to be baptized. I am so grateful for the blessings of the Spirit and that we could be an instrumnet in the Lord's hand to bring them some joy, this made my heart happy!!!!
Nicole: She is kinda stuck in a rut right now. She doesn't really have the desire to act. She knows everything is true, but right now she doesn't really have a desire to be baptized.
Mayra and Anjomil: THEY'RE GETTING BAPTIZED THIS WEEKEND! The thing is, I don't really count them as "our investigators" because really, Elder Bradford and Elder Murillo taught them everything. Then transfers happened, they moved to Cabo Rojo 2, and so they became our investigators by default. We taught them a couple of times and they're getting baptized! So it's like shared converts, haha! We are SO excited because they are so adorable and nice and they said we have helped them a lot, which makes me happy :)! OKAY cute thing about Anjomil, he's 9. After our first lesson, he riped out a ton of flowers and weeds from their yard and handed them to us, and I told him that I felt like a princess. Ever since then, he's ripped out flowers and weeds after every lesson, because he, "likes that we feel like princesses". HE IS THE CUTEST!!
Flowers from Anjomil! |
Vilma: So Hermana Zimmerman and I met a woman named Vilma a couple weeks before the transfer ended. Turns out she had been taught by Hermana Pichiule (one of my old companions) before! She let us inside her house right away and we were able to teach her a little bit. Everything was perfect until she told us she was moving. A week later, she drove past us in the plaza and yelled, "HEY I MOVED COME VISIT ME, HERES MY ADDRESS", it was so quick I didn't get the full address down. So that was about 3 weeks ago, then we saw her again, she said the same thing. I got her number that time and we were able to get ahold of her last night and got her address and a return date to visit her! So, we are excited about that!!
Leeandra: We found her again, it was a miracle!! We had been walking up to her house and she pulled up in a car and got out, the timing was perfect. We talked to her and helped her carry some crab traps her and her boyfriend made into their house, and we were able to find a teenage girl (we actually prayed to find a joven that day and bam, there she was!), her name is Daimaryis. Daimaryis, and Leeandra will both be taught tonight, at Leeandras house! Fun Stuff!!!
To answer your question, Is it just as much work taking care of your new converts as
it is teaching them and getting them baptized? There is a lot less stress, but it is still a lot of work because once they're baptized it doesn't just stop. You have to reteach them all the lessons, AND 5 other lessons on the laws and ordinances of the church, and about temples an garments an family history, and all that jazz. It's hard to remember sometimes, haha, but it's great!! We are going to have 8 recent converts after this weekend - go cabo rojo!! What is the Prominent religion? CATOLICA - Catholic. In every plaza in all of Puerto Rico, there is a GIANT Catholic Church, there are also a lot of Pentacostal Churches, but its mainly Catholic.
To answewr your question, why last week was a tad rough? To be honest, I can't even remember what all happened last week, haha! We were so busy, but just haven't been able to find a lot of people with potential to teach, and that is nervewracking a little bit, but it's okay! There are miracles happening in good ol' Cabo Rojo, and a ton more waiting to happen and we are grateful for that!! :) Right now my focus is just getting Hermana Post used to the lessons and learning spanish, working hard, and finding more people to teach.
This week we have zone conference to say goodbye to President and Sister Boucher. They are so, so, so important to me and have done so much for this Mission, and me personally. It is sad to say goodbye, but I am excited to meet our new Mission Presidents, the Smarts!
Hey random thoughts: Hermana Post and I saved an iguana from a fence. Well, kind of... we watched a man save an iguana from a fence, haha!!! Hermana Josie and Santos came to do intercambios with the other sisters so for a night it was a house of 6 and it was great fun.
Dad, I want you to know I really appreciate you, your spiritual thoughts you put into my emails, and for raising me the way you and mom did. :)
I have 10 months in the mission now, Double-digits, WOW!! Never thought this day would come, but it did! I am forever grateful to my Heavenly Father for giving me this opportunity to serve the people in here in Puerto Rico. I love, love, love the mission. It is crazy how much you learn about the gospel, about yourself, and about the things that truly matter in life. I know that this gospel is true without a shadow of a doubt. It doesn't matter if there are hard days, if people don't want to listen, if we are made fun of, etc. What matters is that I am a servant of the Lord and I have no problem sharing what I know is true! I am seeing blessings everyday of my mission and I am humbled and grateful for the many miracles that I continue to see. I love wearing this name tag and I am beyond grateful for this opportunity to serve everyday.
Thank you for all your prayers! You are always in my heart,
Hermana Green
Hermana Green & Post. |
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Hermana Green, Josie, Santos, Post, Zimmerman and Hermana? |
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Hermana Zimmerman, Josie, Green & Post. |