Hello friends and family!
I am sorry in advance if this email is weird because writing emails for the first time is kinda stressfull hahaha.
But this is my first email! Woo!
Okay, so this last week has been one of the longest and most challenging weeks of my entire life. But, it has also been one of the most rewarding.
There have been a lot of trials already but hey, no one said a mission would be easy, but I KNOW already that it's going to be worth it.
I have two companions, Hermana Holton y Hermana Erskine, both from sandy, Utah. (yay English) okay a lot of people speak English but I was scared there weren't going to be haha
The domincan republic is absolutely incredible, and the people here are so nice. The food is pretty good!
My days are super long, 16 hours long to be exact, filled with tons and tons and tons and tons of Spanish. I've picked up the language pretty quickly, but I still have a lot to learn.
So the third day we were here, we had to start preparing lessons for our "investigator" Jeremy. (I use quotes because it's not actually a real investigator, its one of our teachers with a bowl cut wig on. Pretty funny.) Lessons are actually kinda stressful to plan sometimes but in the end it all works out, usually. Haha.
There have been plenty of times this week where I have wanted to give up, I've asked," what am I doing here, I don't know Spanish at all, and I don't feel good enough to be a missionary". But one of the most important things I've learned this week is to not give up in a moment of weakness. I make the decision not quit, no matter how hard it gets(and trust me, it gets hard), Because I remember that I have the most amazing work to do, which is to preach the message and gospel of Christ to the people of Puerto Rico.
Remember: " Al que cree todo le es possible" aka " To he that believeth, all things are possible"
I promise my emails will get better as the weeks go by but I have a lot of emails to read and if I don't respond I promise I will soon!
I love and pray for you all every night, and I can feel your love and prayers from here.
Thank you for all the love and support! Love you all!
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