Picture is of Hermana Green, Hermana Erskine, Elder Chapman & Elder Dayton
As of yesterday, I have officially been out in the field for ONE MONTH.This is so weird. Time flies.
So this week has been such an amazing week!
-Last friday, we went contacting again down by the beach, and we talked to four people! Each person we talked to was super interested in the church and were absolutely lovely people.
This one woman we talked to was sweeping trash around the park, so we decided to go help her. After helping her clean for about 10 minutes we got into talking to her and got to know her and she was really interested in the church. We were able to get her name, number, and a date scheduled for her to be visited by the missionaries in the area and afterwards she gave us each a lollipop and hugged and kissed us goodbye. It was so sweet! We were also able to handout two Book of Mormons. I've gotta say, there really is nothing that brings me more joy than seeing the light that the gospel brings to people.
-Also on friday, it was one of our teachers, Hermano Medina's birthday, and he didn't tell anyone! He didn't show up to class on that monday, but on tuesday we decorated the board and the room and wrote happy birthday everywhere, and brought some snacks from our snack stash, turned off the lights, and surprised him by singing happy birthday to him. I think we almost gave him a heart attack when he walked in but he was so happy so it was all worth it haha.
But onto the more serious part of my email this week, I learned a lot about Charity.
Before I left, my dad gave me a book called,"100 Favorite Verses from the Book Of Mormon (its an amazing book with tons of insight and quotes and inspiring things, I highly reccommend it, thanks dad!) and it has the topic of charity in it, so i read it, and a lot of what I am about to say comes from this book.
So we learn that Charity consists of three things:
1. Charity is the pure love of Christ, which is the highest, noblest, and strongest kind of love. It is love that looks beyond outward appearances and sees the intent and goodness of others hearts.
2. Charity endures forever. It is not a fleeting emotion, but one that can be counted on in all places. Charity is motivated by the Savior's example of unconditional and enduring love.
3.Charity is not a last minute acquisition, it is a trait to be cultivated, nurtured and practiced on a daily basis"
Christ loved everyone. He was the perfect example of someone who loved all kinds of people, and we should try and do the same, everyday. Showing our love for others increases our happiness and improves the quality of not only their lives, but ours as well. I testify that Christ lives and that He loves all of us. I see His love for others, as well as myself, everyday. So I challenge you all to try and show charity to one person a day. It doesn't need to be big or small. Just one thing could change someone's day, and sometimes, even their life. I know that to be true.
Thank you for all your love and support, it never goes unnoticed! Adios!
Here is one of our nightly Pictures as a trio. Hermana Green, Hermana Holton and Hermana Erskine. (Kali's companions
Here is part of the Letter Hermana Green wrote to us that we wanted to share.
So I have learned so much this week. Something that I have learned,
I have finally recieved answers to questions I've had for years. especially about how the holy ghost reveals answers to us all personally. It finally clicked, what the difference was between my own thoughts and the spirits promptings, I've always wondered the difference and for a long time up until a couple days ago i thought that maybe there was something wrong with me haha but look up the video of elder bednar talking to the provo mtc about his story about the 20 marcs (german currency) story. Its absolutely incredible.
My spanish is getting better and better each week. I can understand and speak so much better than i ever thought i could. Its crazy because sometimes I'll hear things and think that theyre in english, but really its in spanish. Thats how easily i can understand spanish now.
I get to go on my first splits with real missionaries. (We thought this was so cute. Does Kali not realize that she is a real missionary and she is serving with real missionaries?)
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